Any town may, under an article in the warrant for the annual town meeting vote to elect a board of 2 or more auditors for the terms as herein provided. The terms of office shall be staggered so that after the year of adoption one auditor shall be chosen for a term of office for the same number of years as there are auditors on the board, provided however that in the year of adoption the members of the board shall be chosen for varying terms so that the term of one member shall expire in the next succeeding year, the term of the second member, the next year, and so on for the number of years, as there are members on the board. The board of auditors shall perform the duties set forth for auditor in RSA 41:31. If a town has adopted an official ballot for the election of its officers the election of a board of auditors shall not take place until the annual town meeting following the town meeting at which the provisions of this section are adopted.
Source. 1959, 82:1, eff. July 5, 1959.