I. The selectmen shall pay all sums of money received by them in behalf of the town to the town treasurer immediately after receipt, and state to him from whom and for what received.
   II. They shall draw orders upon the treasurer for the payment of all accounts and claims against the town allowed by them, and take proper vouchers therefor.
   III. They shall keep a fair and correct account of all moneys received, all accounts and claims settled and all orders drawn by them, and of all their other financial transactions in behalf of the town.
   IV. They shall publish in the next annual report, or post at the annual meeting, the general fund balance sheet from the most recently completed audited financial statements or from the financial report filed pursuant to RSA 21-J:34, V.
   V. In the case of an accumulated general fund deficit, the selectmen shall insert an article in the warrant recommending such action as they deem appropriate, which may include, but is not limited to, raising a sum of money for the purpose of reducing that deficit.
   VI. The selectmen shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining appropriate internal control procedures to ensure the safeguarding of all town assets and properties.
   VII. The selectmen shall annually review and adopt an investment policy for the investment of public funds in conformance with applicable statutes and shall advise the treasurer of such policies.
   VIII. The selectmen shall be responsible for establishing procedures to ensure that all funds paid to the town from any department shall be remitted to the treasurer at least on a weekly basis or daily whenever such funds total $500 or more. Remittances to the treasurer from the tax collector shall be in accordance with RSA 41:35 and remittances from the town clerk shall be in accordance with RSA 261:165.
Source. 1869, 26:3. 1874, 85:1. GL 40:9. PS 43:7. PL 47:14. RL 59:13. RSA 41:9. 1993, 181:1. 1994, 147:2, eff. July 22, 1994. 2007, 246:2, eff. Aug. 27, 2007.