I. The selectmen of towns in which any such district has been established upon petition, after notice to parties interested and a hearing, may change the boundaries thereof; and the district shall cause the petition and the return of the selectmen's proceedings and decision thereon to be recorded in the records of the district, and of the towns in which it is situated, within 60 days after the decision.
   II. In the case of any district formed for the purpose of impoundment of water, any such change of boundaries shall be ratified before taking effect by the voters domiciled in the district and in any area proposed to be added to the district in the same manner as is required for the initial establishment of the district.
   III. In the case of any district formed for the purpose of the supply of water for domestic and fire purposes, which may include the protection of sources of supply, any such change of boundaries shall be ratified before taking effect by the voters domiciled in the district and in any area proposed to be added to the district in the same manner as is required for the initial establishment of the district.
Source. 1853, 1421. GS 97:6. GL 107:6. 1887, 28:1. PS 53:4. PL 57:5. RL 70:5. RSA 52:5. 1975, 13:2. 2002, 174:2, eff. May 15, 2002. 2003, 289:17, eff. Sept. 1, 2003.