If, under any appropriation made by the general court, the federal grant received, whether by direct grant from a federal agency or by a grant or pass-through of federal funds from a state agency, is less than estimated, the total appropriation shall be reduced by the amount of reduction in federal estimates and the applicable state matching funds, with the exception of food and nutrition grants to state institutions. If the applicable state matching funds are included in a section or sections other than the section or sections in which the federal grants are estimated, the appropriation reductions shall be made in the applicable sections. The provisions of this section shall also apply to any position funded in full or in part from federal funds, and if federal funds are not available to fund any position or positions as budgeted, said position or positions shall be abolished forthwith. The provisions of this section shall not apply to revenue sharing funds.
Source. 1983, 469:84, eff. July 1, 1983.