I. Whoever fails, neglects or refuses to comply with this chapter or rules adopted under this chapter, or an order or condition of a permit issued under this chapter, or misrepresents any material fact made in connection with any activity regulated or prohibited by this chapter, whether or not the owner of the land in question, shall be liable for the removal of fill, spoil or structure placed pursuant to such a violation and the restoration of any wetlands disturbed in connection with the violation. The superior court shall have jurisdiction to order such relief and such additional relief in equity as may be appropriate.
   II. Municipalities may apply to a justice of the superior court for injunctive relief against existing or impending violations of this chapter, or any rule or order issued under this chapter. The municipality shall give notice of any such action to the attorney general and the commissioner of environmental services, who may take such steps as they deem necessary to ensure uniform statewide enforcement, including but not limited to joining the action, assuming sole prosecution of the action, or, as of right, dismissing the action without prejudice. Such notice shall be given at least 30 days prior to the commencement of any such action, unless more immediate action is necessary to prevent irreparable environmental damage or other serious public harm, in which case such notice shall be given as soon as practicable, but in no event later than the date of commencement of the action. This paragraph shall not be construed to affect, in any manner, existing authority of municipalities to act based upon the provisions of other statutes or local ordinances.
   III. A landowner shall not be liable for violations of this chapter caused by persons operating OHRVs, as defined in RSA 215-A:1, V, or snowmobiles, as defined in RSA 215-C:1, in a location or in a manner not authorized by the landowner.
Source. 1989, 225:7. 1991, 340:2, eff. Jan. 1, 1992. 2004, 122:1, eff. May 17, 2004. 2005, 210:62, eff. July 1, 2006.