I. A license may be refused, or a license duly issued may be suspended or revoked, or the renewal of such license refused by the board on the board's own investigation and motion or upon motion or written complaint of an interested party if the board has good and sufficient reason to believe or finds that the applicant for or the holder of such a license has:
      (a) Made a material misstatement in the application for a license or any application for renewal of such license.
      (b) Obtained the license through willful fraud or misrepresentation.
      (c) Demonstrated incompetency to act as a water well contractor or pump installer as determined by the water well board.
      (d) Been guilty of willful failure to comply with the provisions of this chapter or rules adopted under RSA 482-B:4.
      (e) Refused to file reports as required under RSA 482-B:10.
      (f) Been found guilty, by the board or by a court of competent jurisdiction of any fraud, deceit, gross negligence, incompetence, or misconduct in the industry, operations, or business of water well construction or pump installations.
   II. The department may undertake one or more of the following disciplinary actions upon the department's own investigation and motion or upon written complaint and motion of an interested party if the department has good and sufficient reason to believe or finds that the applicant for or the holder of such a license has violated the provisions of RSA 482-B and the rules of the board:
      (a) Written reprimand.
      (b) Administrative order.
      (c) Administrative fine.
      (d) Requiring the licensee to participate in a program of continuing education in the area or areas in which the licensee has been found deficient.
Source. 1989, 339:1. 1998, 89:13, eff. July 18, 1998.