The gauging station maintained by the United States Geological Survey at Endicott Park at the Weirs in Laconia, New Hampshire, located approximately 500 feet northwesterly from the northerly end of the channel connecting Lake Winnipesaukee and Paugus Bay is established as the official gauging station to measure the level of water in Lake Winnipesaukee. The total quantity of water drawn from Lake Winnipesaukee during the 7 days in any week between June 1 and October 15 of any year shall not exceed the equivalent of 250 cubic feet for each second of time during said week when the gauge reading (making due allowance for seiche and wind action) on said gauging station is at or below 502.4 feet above mean sea level as shown by said gauging station; provided, however, that upon the finding of an emergency by the department, the department may permit drafts of water in excess of said amount during said period for such time and in such amounts as the department may determine. Upon complaint of not less than 10 owners of property on Lake Winnipesaukee, a hearing may be held before the department and proceedings instituted as provided in RSA 482:81.
Source. 1989, 339:1, eff. Jan. 1, 1990. 1996, 228:106, eff. July 1, 1996.