I. All state agencies shall perform their responsibilities in a manner consistent with the intent of this chapter. State and local permits for work within the protected shorelands shall be issued only when consistent with the policies of this chapter.
   II. When the standards and practices established in this chapter conflict with other local or state laws and rules, the more stringent standard shall control.
   III. All agricultural activities and operations in the state as defined in RSA 21:34-a and as governed by RSA 430, including the use of animal manure, lime, wood ash, irrigation, and the clearing of land for agricultural utilization, and other agricultural technologies, shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter, provided such activities and operations are in conformance with the most recent best management practices determined by the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service, the United States Department of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service and the department of agriculture, markets, and food. Persons carrying out such agricultural activities and operations in the protected shoreland shall work directly with the local representatives of the above agencies for their particular property.
Source. 1991, 303:1. 1992, 235:21. 1995, 130:8, eff. July 23, 1995; 206:2, eff. Aug. 11, 1995.