I. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this subdivision or who shall knowingly fail, neglect or refuse to obey any order of the department or member or authorized agent of the department issued under the authority of this subdivision, or who shall knowingly make any misstatement of material fact for which said person is personally responsible in connection with an application for an approval pursuant to this subdivision shall be guilty of a misdemeanor if a natural person, or guilty of a felony if any other person.
   II. Any person who knowingly produces any erroneous or fallacious data with regard to any application or plan submitted pursuant to this subdivision shall bear the full responsibility for same, and shall be guilty of a misdemeanor if a natural person, or guilty of a felony if any other person.
   III. Notwithstanding any other penalty or fine for which liability is provided under this subdivision, any person may be liable to the state, in an action commenced in the name of the state, for a civil forfeiture of not more than $10,000 per day per violation for such violation, failure, neglect, refusal or any misstatement for which said person is personally responsible. Such forfeiture may be levied by the superior court in connection with actions for injunctive relief commenced pursuant to RSA 485-A:44. The proceeds of any civil forfeiture levied under this section shall be utilized in the enforcement of this subdivision. In determining a civil forfeiture, the court may take into consideration all relevant circumstances, including the degree of noncompliance, the extent of harm caused by the violation, the nature and persistence of the violation, the time and cost associated with the investigation by the state and the economic impact of the penalty on the liable person. The cost of corrective action shall not be considered in determining the civil forfeiture.
   IV. Any person neglecting or refusing to comply with the provisions of RSA 485-A:37 shall be subject to a civil forfeiture not to exceed $1,000 for each day of neglect or refusal after notice as provided for in RSA 485-A:37.
   V. The commissioner of environmental services, after notice and hearing pursuant to RSA 541-A, may impose an administrative fine not to exceed $2,000 for each offense upon any person who violates any provision of this subdivision including any rule adopted under the provisions of this chapter. Rehearings and appeals from a decision of the commissioner under this paragraph shall be in accordance with RSA 541. Any administrative fine imposed under this section shall not preclude the imposition of further penalties under this subdivision. The proceeds of administrative fines levied pursuant to this paragraph shall be deposited by the department in the general fund. The commissioner shall adopt rules, under RSA 541-A, relative to:
      (a) A schedule of administrative fines which may be imposed under this paragraph for violations of this subdivision as provided above.
      (b) Procedures for notice and hearing prior to the imposition of an administrative fine.
Source. 1989, 339:1. 1995, 217:8. 1996, 228:106, eff. July 1, 1996. 2008, 169:1, eff. Jan. 1, 2009.