I. Upon the written application of the aggregate of 10 percent of the registered voters in all of the towns served by a water system, presented to the clerk of the town owning the water system at least 90 days before the day prescribed for an annual town meeting or city election, the clerk shall forward a copy of the petition to each town served by the water system. Upon receipt of the petition, the selectmen of the town shall insert on the warrant or the official ballot the following question: ""Shall fluoride be used in the public water system?'' Beside this question shall be printed the word ""yes'' and the word ""no'' with the proper boxes for the voter to indicate his or her choice. If a majority of those voting in a water system that serves multiple towns does not approve the use of fluoride in the public water system, no fluoride shall be introduced into the public water system for said towns. After such popular referendum, the selectmen shall not insert an article relative to the use of fluoride in the public water system in the warrant nor shall such question be inserted on the official ballot for a minimum period of 3 years from the date of the last popular referendum and only upon written application at that time of not less than the aggregate of 10 percent of the registered voters of all of the towns.
   II. In this section:
      (a) ""Town'' means town as defined in RSA 21:5.
      (b) ""Selectmen'' means selectmen as defined in RSA 21:28.
Source. 2004, 225:2, eff. July 1, 2004. 2008, 230:5, eff. Aug. 19, 2008.