I. The chief justice and a majority of the supreme court, in consultation with the administrative judges of the superior, district and probate courts, shall design and implement by court rule, a program for performance evaluation of judges. The sole purpose of this program shall be the improvement of the performance of individual judges and of the judiciary as a whole. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, all information compiled through this program shall be confidential, except as otherwise provided in this section.
   II. The program for performance evaluation shall include, but shall not be limited to, a questionnaire, to be designed by the supreme court, and a self-evaluation form to be completed by the judge. The supreme court shall strive to achieve uniformity among court evaluation questionnaires, recognizing that the questionnaires for each court may differ due to the jurisdiction of the courts. Questionnaires shall be distributed to a representative sample of attorneys, parties, witnesses, jurors, court personnel, and others who have appeared before a judge during the evaluation period, for the purpose of evaluating the performance of the judge. The questionnaire shall include, but shall not be limited to, questions relative to the judge's performance, temperament and demeanor, judicial management skills, legal knowledge, attentiveness, bias and objectivity, and degree of preparedness. Completed forms shall be returned to the administrative judge, unsigned, within 30 days of issuance. All responses shall remain confidential.
   III. The program for performance evaluation shall ensure that each judge is evaluated a minimum of once every 3 years.
   IV. The chief justice of the supreme court shall evaluate the administrative judges of the superior, district and probate courts.
   V. (a) The chief justice and a majority of the supreme court, in consultation with the administrative judges of the superior, district, and probate courts, shall establish judicial evaluation standards, and shall design or determine appropriate programs for judges who need improvement in achieving the judicial evaluation standards. The supreme court shall establish disciplinary rules and may initiate disciplinary action when appropriate. If a judge fails to achieve judicial evaluation standards after 2 consecutive evaluations, or purposely fails to complete assigned programs, the judge's right to confidentiality shall be waived.
      (b) Upon consideration of nomination for another judicial appointment, a judge's evaluations shall be made available to the governor upon request. Upon nomination, such evaluations shall be made available to the executive council upon request. The contents of such evaluations shall be kept in strict confidence by the governor and executive council.
      (c) Judicial performance evaluations shall be retained by the judicial branch for the duration of the judge's tenure.
   VI. The supreme court shall prepare a report on the implementation of the performance evaluation program described in this section within one year of the effective date of this section and submit such report to the governor, the speaker of the house, the president of the senate, and the chairpersons of the house and senate judiciary committees. Such report shall be made available to the public. Beginning in 2001, the supreme court shall annually file a report on the evaluation process, including, but not limited to, the number of evaluations performed by each court, the percentage of responses received, and, without identifying individual judges, a summary of the overall evaluation results and all actions taken to correct inadequacies and deficiencies. The annual report shall be submitted on or before June 30 of each year to the governor, the speaker of the house, the president of the senate, and the chairpersons of the house and senate judiciary committees. Such report shall be made available to the public.
Source. 2000, 53:2, eff. April 17, 2000. 2001, 267:4, eff. July 1, 2001.