I. The commission shall select and appoint an executive director as the administrator of the commission. The executive director shall be appointed by majority vote of the commission after 30 days public notice and a public hearing. The executive director shall hold office for a term of 5 years. The executive director may be removed from office by vote of 2/3 of the commission. The executive director may be reappointed using the same procedure for appointment. The executive director shall be a nonclassified state employee.
   II. The executive director shall be the administrative head of the commission. The duties of the executive director shall also include:
      (a) Employing and supervising commission staff, under RSA 494-A:17.
      (b) Submitting an annual report to the governor, senate president, speaker of the house, and chief justice of the supreme court, by October 1 of each year, which details the performance of the commission for the preceding fiscal year. This report shall be a public document.
      (c) Submitting budgets to be funded through general funds in the biennial operating budget.
      (d) Acting as secretary for all commission meetings.
RSA 494-A has been held unconstitutional in the case of %4AhIn re Petition of New Hampshire Bar Ass'n (2004) 151 N.H. 112, 855 A.2d 450.%4Ah%4Ag2004581389;;;855;162;450%4Ag
Source. 2001, 267:3, eff. July 1, 2001.