I. The condemnor, upon filing its declaration of taking, shall, within 48 hours thereof, record a notice of such filing in the office of the registry of deeds of the county in which the property is located. If the property is located in 2 or more counties, the notice shall be recorded in all such counties. The notice shall specify the date the declaration was filed, and shall contain the names of the condemnees, a description of the property taken in a form suitable for use in a deed, including sources of title, if ascertainable, and a plan of the property condemned sufficient for the identification thereof, and shall be indexed at such registry showing the condemnee set forth in the notice as though a grantor and the condemnor as though a grantee.
   II. Whenever an amendment of the declaration of taking is made pursuant to RSA 498-A:5, III, an amended notice of condemnation shall be filed in the registry of deeds in which the original notice was filed pursuant to paragraph I. Such amended notice of condemnation shall be designated as such and shall conform to the requirements for a notice of condemnation set forth in paragraph I and, in addition, shall contain a reference by book and page to the original notice of condemnation.
Source. 1971, 526:1. 1977, 363:11. 1981, 493:8, eff. June 29, 1981.