I. If a timely and sufficient application has been made in accordance with agency rules for renewal of a license for any activity of a continuing nature that does not automatically expire by law, the existing license shall not expire until the agency has taken final action upon the application for renewal. If the agency's final action is unfavorable, the license shall not expire until the last day for seeking judicial review of the agency's action, or a later date fixed by the reviewing court.
   II. An agency shall not revoke, suspend, modify, annul, withdraw, or amend a license unless the agency first gives notice to the licensee of the facts or conduct upon which the agency intends to base its action, and gives the licensee an opportunity, through an adjudicative proceeding, to show compliance with all lawful requirements for the retention of the license.
   III. If the agency finds that public health, safety or welfare requires emergency action and incorporates a finding to that effect in its order, immediate suspension of a license may be ordered pending an adjudicative proceeding. The agency shall commence this adjudicative proceeding not later than 10 working days after the date of the agency order suspending the license. A record of the proceeding shall be made by a certified shorthand court reporter provided by the agency. Unless expressly waived by the licensee, agency failure to commence an adjudicative proceeding within 10 working days shall mean that the suspension order is automatically vacated. The agency shall not again suspend the license for the same conduct which formed the basis of the vacated suspension without granting the licensee prior notice and an opportunity for an adjudicative proceeding.
Source. 1994, 412:1. 1999, 331:1, eff. Sept. 14, 1999.