The debtor may amend his schedules at any time within 3 months after the beginning of the proceedings. At the end of such time, he shall subscribe, take and file in the office of the register of probate an oath, in substance as follows:
   I, .........., do solemnly swear that the account of my creditors contained in the schedule made and signed by me and now on file in the court is in all respects just and true according to my best knowledge and belief. I do further swear that I have delivered to the messenger all my estate, except such part as is by law exempt from attachment, and such as has been necessarily spent for the support of myself and family, and all my books of account and papers relating to my estate that were within my possession or power when the same were demanded of me by the messenger; that I have delivered to the messenger or assignee all such of my said estate, books and papers as have since come to my possession; and that if any other estate, effects or other things shall hereafter come to my knowledge or possession, I will forthwith disclose or deliver the same to the assignee. And I do further swear that I have not made over or disposed of any part of my estate or effects for the future benefit of myself or my family, or in order to defraud my creditors.
Source. 1885, 85:11. 1889, 96:4. PS 201:34. PL 401:35. RL 465:35.