If it shall appear to the satisfaction of the judge that the applicant is not able to pay his debts in full, the judge shall issue a warrant to the sheriff of the county, or to one of his deputies, directing him forthwith as messenger to take possession of all the estate of the debtor, except such as is by law exempt from attachment, and of all his deeds, books of account and papers, to safely keep the same until the appointment of an assignee, to send written notices by mail or otherwise to all creditors upon the debtor's schedule, and to publish and give such other notices as the judge may direct. The notices shall state:
   I. That a warrant has been issued against the estate of the debtor.
   II. That the payment of any debts to or by the debtor, and the delivery or transfer of any property by him, are forbidden.
   III. The time and place of a meeting, as stated in the warrant, at which an assignee may be nominated by creditors whose claims have been allowed.
Source. 1861, 2488:6. GS 126:10. GL 140:10. 1885, 85:2, 4, 7. 1889, 96:2. PS 201:7. PL 401:7. RL 465:7.