I. No person shall knowingly engage in any of the following activities in the presence of a child or incapacitated adult; in the residence of a child or an incapacitated adult; in a building, structure, conveyance, or outdoor location where a child or incapacitated adult might reasonably be expected to be present; within any drug-free school zone, as defined under RSA 193-B:1, II; in a room offered to the public for overnight accommodations; or in any multiple unit residential building:
      (a) Manufacturing or attempting to manufacture methamphetamine.
      (b) Storing any chemical substance.
      (c) Storing or disposing of any methamphetamine waste products.
      (d) Storing or disposing of any methamphetamine paraphernalia.
   II. No person shall knowingly cause or permit a child or incapacitated adult to inhale, be exposed to, have contact with, or ingest methamphetamine, a chemical substance, or methamphetamine paraphernalia.
   III. No person shall, with the intent to engage in any prohibited conduct under paragraph I, knowingly cause or permit any child or incapacitated adult to buy or otherwise obtain methamphetamine paraphernalia.
Source. 2006, 135:1, eff. May 19, 2006.