I. Any person who shall sell, barter, hire, lend, or give to any person under the age of 16 years any cartridges or shotshells suitable for discharging in any rifle, pistol, revolver, or shotgun shall be guilty of a violation.
   II. This section shall not apply to:
      (a) Fathers, mothers, grandparents, or guardians of such children.
      (b) Individuals instructing such children in the safe use of firearms during a supervised firearms training program, provided the child's parent or legal guardian has granted the child permission to participate in such program.
      (c) Licensed hunters accompanying such children while lawfully taking wildlife.
      (d) Individuals supervising such children using firearms during a lawful shooting event or activity.
Source. 1971, 518:1. 2006, 73:3, eff. April 28, 2006.