I. Except as provided in this section, the records established and information collected pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall not be considered ""public records'' subject to inspection under RSA 91-A:4. However, nothing in this chapter shall be construed to limit any law enforcement agency from making any use or disclosure of any such information as may be necessary for the performance of a valid law enforcement function. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to limit an individual's ability to obtain access to the individual's own records, or to limit access to a person's criminal record under the provisions of RSA 106-B:14, including address information obtained under the provisions of this chapter.
   II. The division shall maintain a list of all tier I, tier II, and tier III offenders required to register pursuant to this chapter. The list shall also include all offenders about whom the division receives notice pursuant to RSA 651-B:4, V. In addition to the information contained on the public list pursuant to paragraph III, the law enforcement list shall include all information reported to the local law enforcement agency or the department pursuant to RSA 651-B:4. In addition, the information shall include the text of the statute under which the offender was convicted and the criminal history of the offender. The list maintained pursuant to this paragraph shall not be available to the public but shall be available to law enforcement officials for valid law enforcement purposes.
   III. (a) The division shall maintain a separate public list of all tier I, tier II, and tier III offenders who are required to register as a result of an offense against a child, any offenders about whom the division receives notice pursuant to RSA 651-B:4, V that will be required to register as a result of an offense against children, and any offender who is required to register for more than one sexual offense or offense against a child. The public list shall include all of the following information:
         (1) Offender's name, alias, age, race, sex, date of birth, height, weight, hair and eye color, and any other relevant physical description.
         (2) Address of any permanent residence and address of any temporary residence, within the state or out-of-state.
         (3) The offense for which the individual is required to register and the text of the provision of law defining the offense, and any other sex offense for which the individual has been convicted.
         (4) The date and court of the adjudication on the offense for which the individual is registered.
         (5) Outstanding arrest warrants, and the information listed in subparagraphs (a)(1)-(3), for any sexual offender or offender against children who has not complied with the obligation to register under this chapter.
         (6) Criminal history of the offender, including the date of all convictions and the status of parole, probation, or supervised release, and registration status.
         (7) A photograph of the individual.
         (8) The address of any place where the individual is or will be a student.
         (9) Any online identifiers, as defined in RSA 651-B:4-a, used by the individual.
      (b) Where such information is available, the public list may also include:
         (1) Information on the profile of the victim of the individual's offense.
         (2) The method of approach utilized by the individual.
      (c) The public list shall not include:
         (1) The identity of any victim either directly or indirectly. Sexual offenders convicted under RSA 632-A:2 shall be listed on the public list in a manner which does not disclose, directly or indirectly, that the victim and the defendant were related or members of the same household. For sexual offenders convicted under RSA 632-A:2, I, no specific reference to any statutory subparagraph shall appear on the public list.
         (2) The social security number of the offender.
         (3) Arrests of the offender which did not result in a conviction.
         (4) The name of the employer or school which the offender attends.
         (5) Information about a juvenile delinquent required to register pursuant to RSA 651-B:1, XI(a)(3) or (4).
   IV. (a) The public list shall be made available to interested members of the public upon request to a local law enforcement agency. The department of safety shall also make the list available to the public through the use of the department's official public Internet website. The Internet website shall be available to the public in a manner that will permit the public to obtain relevant information for each sex offender by a single query for any given zip code or geographic radius set by the user. The website may include additional search parameters as determined by the department.
      (b) Local law enforcement agencies may photograph, at the time of the registration, any individual who is required to be registered pursuant to this chapter. The consent of the registrant shall not be necessary. Such photographs may be used in the performance of any valid law enforcement function.
      (c) In the discretion of the local law enforcement agency, such agency may affirmatively notify the public that an offender who is included on the public list received by the agency pursuant to subparagraph IV(a) is residing in the community.
   V. Local law enforcement agencies, employees of local law enforcement agencies, county and state officials, municipal and school officials, and municipalities and school districts shall be immune from civil and criminal liability for good faith conduct under this chapter, including any decision to provide or not provide affirmative notification to the public pursuant to subparagraph IV(c). Nothing in this paragraph shall be deemed to grant any such immunity to any person for that person's reckless or wanton conduct.
   VI. [Repealed.]
Source. 1996, 293:1. 1998, 239:2. 1999, 321:4. 2000, 177:2, 3. 2002, 241:1. 2003, 316:2-4. 2005, 214:7, 8. 2006, 162:5, eff. Jan. 1, 2007; 327:11, eff. Jan. 1, 2007 at 12:01 a.m. 2008, 334:4, eff. Jan. 1, 2009. 2009, 306:6, 15, III, eff. July 31, 2009.