I. It shall be the duty of the division to receive DNA samples and to analyze, classify, and store the DNA records of DNA samples submitted pursuant to this subdivision, and to make such information available to federal, state, and local law enforcement officers upon request made in furtherance of an official investigation of any criminal offense. Such law enforcement officers shall use such information only for the purposes of criminal investigations and prosecutions, or as necessary to the functions of an office of chief medical examiner. A request may be made by personal contact, mail, or electronic means. The name of the person making the request and the purpose for which the information is requested shall be maintained on file with the division. The information contained in the database shall not be a public record for the purposes of RSA 91-A, and shall not be available for inspection by any unauthorized individual.
   II. The commissioner of the department of safety shall adopt rules under RSA 541-A to govern the methods of obtaining information from the state DNA database and CODIS and procedures for verification of the identity and authority of the requester.
   III. Upon request, a copy of the request for a search shall be furnished to any person identified and charged with an offense as the result of a search of information in the database. Only when a sample or DNA record supplied by the person making the request satisfactorily matches a profile in the database shall the existence of data in the database be confirmed or identifying information from the database be disseminated.
   IV. The division may create a separate statistical database comprised of DNA records of persons whose identities are unknown. Nothing in this subdivision shall prohibit the department from sharing or otherwise disseminating the information in the statistical database with law enforcement or criminal justice agencies within or without the state.
Source. 2002, 183:1, eff. May 15, 2002.