I. The members of the council shall be as follows:
      (a) The governor, or designee.
      (b) Two members of the senate, appointed by the president of the senate.
      (c) Three members of the house of representatives, one of whom shall be from the criminal justice and public safety committee, and one of whom shall be from the children and family law committee, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives.
      (d) The chief justice of the supreme court, or designee.
      (e) The attorney general, or designee.
      (f) The commissioner of the department of corrections, or designee.
      (g) The commissioner of the department of safety, or designee.
      (h) The commissioner of the department of health and human services, or designee.
      (i) The director of the division of juvenile justice services, department of health and human services, or designee.
      (j) The director of the division of field services, department of corrections, or designee.
      (k) The director of police standards and training, or designee.
      (l) The director of victim/witness services, department of justice, or designee.
      (m) The chief justice of the superior court, or designee.
      (n) The administrative judge of the district court, or designee.
      (o) The administrative judge of the judicial branch family division, or designee.
      (p) The executive director of the judicial council.
      (q) The president of the county attorneys affiliate of the New Hampshire Association of Counties, or designee.
      (r) The president of the county corrections superintendents affiliate of the New Hampshire Association of Counties, or designee.
      (s) The president of the New Hampshire Association of Chiefs of Police, or designee.
      (t) The executive director of the New Hampshire Public Defender, or designee.
      (u) The president of the New Hampshire Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, or designee.
      (v) The executive director of the New Hampshire Civil Liberties Union, or designee.
      (w) The chairperson of the governor's commission on alcohol and drug abuse prevention, intervention, and treatment services, or designee.
   II. Legislative members of the council shall receive mileage at the legislative rate when attending to the duties of the council.
Source. 2008, 201:1, eff. June 16, 2008. 2009, 199:1, eff. Sept. 13, 2009.