I. A candidate for any of the offices enumerated in RSA 655:19 who, pursuant to RSA 664:5-a, voluntarily accepts the expenditure limitation set forth in RSA 664:5-b shall have the filing fee under RSA 655:19 either waived or refunded, and shall have the requirement for filing petitions under RSA 655:20 waived, as provided in paragraph II.
   II. If a candidate files the affidavit as specified in RSA 664:5-a at the time he files the declaration of candidacy or declaration of intent, the filing fee required under RSA 655:19 and the petitions required to be filed under RSA 655:20 shall be waived. If such affidavit is filed within 3 days following the filing of the declaration of candidacy, the appropriate officer shall refund the filing fee paid by the candidate as soon as practicable.
Source. 1989, 212:3. 1991, 387:4, eff. July 2, 1991.