The form of the affidavit provided for in RSA 655:28 shall be the following:
   I. (For use by candidate for governor): I, ___________________, candidate for the office of governor, hereby swear (or affirm) that I have been domiciled in the state of New Hampshire for at least 7 years immediately preceding the election for which I am a candidate, that I am a registered voter, that I will be at least 30 years of age on the day of said election, that I am not a candidate for incompatible offices as defined in RSA 655:10, and that I am not a federal employee.
   II. (For use by candidate for councilor): I, ___________________, candidate for the office of councilor from the ___________________ district, hereby swear (or affirm) that I have been domiciled in the state of New Hampshire for at least 7 years immediately preceding the election for which I am a candidate, that I am now domiciled in councilor district no. __________ at the present time, that I will be at least 30 years of age on the day of said election, that I am not a candidate for incompatible offices as defined in RSA 655:10, and that I am not a federal employee.
   III. (For use by candidate for state senate): I, ________________, candidate for the office of senator from the __________ district, hereby swear (or affirm) that I have been domiciled in the state of New Hampshire for at least 7 years immediately preceding the election for which I am a candidate, that my domicile is in senatorial district no. _______________ at the present time, that I will be at least 30 years of age on the day of said election, and that I am not a candidate for incompatible offices as defined in RSA 655:10, and that I am not a federal employee.
   IV. (For use by candidate for state representative): I, _______________, candidate for the office of representative from district no. __________ of __________ county, hereby swear (or affirm) that I have been domiciled in the state of New Hampshire for at least 2 years immediately preceding the election for which I am a candidate, that I am now domiciled in district no. ____________ of ___________ county, the district I seek to represent, that I will be at least 18 years of age on the day of said election, that I am not a candidate for incompatible offices as defined in RSA 655:10, and that I am not a federal employee. I further recognize that, if elected, I will serve as a delegate to the county convention.
Source. 1979, 436:1. 1991, 218:5. 2002, 58:1. 2003, 289:35, eff. Sept. 1, 2003.