The secretary of state shall retain for his own use so many of the absentee ballots and forms provided for in RSA 657:7 through 657:9 as he may deem necessary and shall supply each town and city clerk in the state with as many of them as he may deem sufficient. The same shall be sent in sealed packages and shall be marked on the outside clearly designating the type and number of ballots enclosed. The secretary of state shall keep a record of the time when and the manner in which the absentee ballots and forms were sent to said clerks and of the number of ballots so forwarded. The secretary of state shall forward overseas citizens federal election ballots to the town or city clerks so as to be received by them no later than 30 days prior to the date of the federal election. Additional absentee ballots of any type may be obtained as required from the secretary of state upon written application by a town or city clerk.
Source. 1979, 436:1, eff. July 1, 1979.