Prior to any federal election, the secretary of state shall prepare the following forms in such quantity as he or she deems necessary:
   I. Overseas citizens federal election absentee ballots as provided in RSA 656:34 for citizens who are domiciled outside the United States.
   II. Affidavit envelopes of sufficient size to contain the ballots on which shall be printed the following:
      (a) For Voters Who Are Registered.
      Overseas Citizen. A person desiring to vote by overseas citizens federal election absentee ballot who is a registered voter in the town or city in which he or she desires to vote shall fill out and sign the following certificate:
      I do hereby certify under the penalties for voting fraud set forth below that I am an overseas citizen voter registered as such in the city or town of __________, New Hampshire; that I have carefully read (or had read to me because I am blind) the instructions forwarded to me with the overseas citizens federal election ballot herein enclosed, and that I personally marked the ballot within and sealed it in this envelope (or had assistance in marking the ballot and sealing it in this envelope because I am blind).
(Signature)____________________ |
      In accordance with RSA 659:34, the penalty for knowingly or purposefully providing false information when registering to vote or voting is a class A misdemeanor with a maximum sentence of imprisonment not to exceed one year and a fine not to exceed $2,000. Fraudulently registering to vote or voting is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $5,000.
      (b) For Voters Not Registered. A person desiring to vote by overseas citizens federal election absentee ballot who is not registered as such in the town or city in which he or she desires to vote shall fill out and sign the following certificate:
      I do hereby certify under the penalties for voting fraud set forth below that I am a federal overseas voter, that I am at least 18 years of age and a citizen of the United States; and that my last domicile within the United States was in New Hampshire at the following address:
    street _______________ and number ____________________
    city or town ____________________
      I am not registered to vote in any state and am not voting in any other manner in this election.
      In accordance with RSA 659:34, the penalty for knowingly or purposefully providing false information when registering to vote or voting is a class A misdemeanor with a maximum sentence of imprisonment not to exceed one year and a fine not to exceed $2,000. Fraudulently registering to vote or voting is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $5,000.
   III. Other forms as provided for in RSA 657:7, III, IV and V.
Source. 1979, 436:1. 1983, 220:2. 1988, 209:6. 2003, 289:38, eff. Sept. 1, 2003.