I. (a) The board of selectmen, or the voters of the town by the procedure established in RSA 39:3, may place an article on the warrant for annual town meeting at which town officers are elected, concerning the establishment of a redistricting commission. Such question shall be voted on by official ballot.
      (b) In a town with a town council, the town council, or the voters by petition submitted to the council signed by 25 or more registered voters or 2 percent of the registered voters of the town, whichever is less, may place a question on the official ballot for any regular municipal election for the election of town officers, concerning the establishment of a redistricting commission.
   II. The wording of the question shall be:
""Shall the town establish a redistricting commission to divide the town into 2 or more districts for the purpose of electing representatives to the general court?''
   III. [Repealed.]
Source. 1997, 312:1. 1998, 307:1, eff. Aug. 25, 1998.