I. All towns shall hold an election annually for the election of town officers on the second Tuesday in March, except those towns which have adopted an alternative date under RSA 40:14 or those towns which have adopted the provisions of RSA 31:94-a and have, by majority vote at a previous town meeting, decided to elect officers on the second Tuesday in May.
   II. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph I of this section, any town which has adopted a municipal charter under the provisions of RSA 49-B:1-6 may establish the second Tuesday in March, the second Tuesday in May, or the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in odd-numbered years as the date for the election of town officers.
   III. No town election shall be held in conjunction with the biennial election.
   IV. Any local political subdivision which has not adopted RSA 40:13, the official ballot referendum form of meeting, but whose voting checklist comprises all or part of the checklist for a school district which has adopted an April or May election date under RSA 40:14, may, by vote of the legislative body, vote to coordinate its elections with the school district's elections and to hold its elections on the same April or May date as the school district. Such local political subdivision may, in addition, vote to hold the second session of its annual meeting, for transacting all business not required to be voted on by official ballot, within 2 weeks of the election date at a time and date determined by the governing body. The joint elections shall be held at a time and place determined by, and shall be supervised by, the election officials of the local political subdivision, coordinated as set forth in RSA 671:25 and RSA 671:26, with costs allocated in the same manner as in previous years or as may be mutually agreed upon by the governing bodies. A vote under this paragraph may be rescinded by the local political subdivision in like manner. No vote under this section shall take effect until the annual election next following such vote.
Source. 1979, 410:1. 1987, 299:6. 1988, 223:12. 1991, 370:7. 2000, 16:9, 10, eff. April 30, 2000.