I. Notwithstanding the provisions of RSA 670:2, any village district within the town of Merrimack or the town of Hooksett may at any annual meeting under an article in the warrant for the meeting elect 5 rather than 3 commissioners by a majority vote of the legal voters present and voting at the annual meeting in the manner provided in paragraph II.
   II. Upon written petition of 25 voters qualified to vote in a village district election and whose names are on the village district checklist, or 2 percent of such voters, whichever number is fewer, addressed and delivered to the commissioners not later than 35 days before any annual meeting, the following question shall be submitted to the voters at the meeting: ""Are you in favor of increasing the number of commissioners from 3 to 5?'' In districts having an official ballot, the question shall appear upon the ballot pursuant to RSA 670:7. In districts where no official ballot is used, the vote on this question shall be by special ballot. After the question, squares with the words ""yes'' and ""no'' shall be printed on the ballot in which the voter may mark his choice pursuant to RSA 670:7.
   III. A village district which votes to increase the number of commissioners as provided in paragraph II may rescind its action in the same manner, except that the question shall read: ""Are you in favor of decreasing the number of commissioners from 5 to 3 members?''
   IV. If a district votes to increase or to decrease the number of commissioners, the change shall not take effect in either case until the first annual meeting following the meeting at which the question was acted upon.
      (a) If the village district votes to increase the number of commissioners to 5, and its commissioners serve 3-year terms, at the first annual meeting following the vote the village district shall elect 2 commissioners for 3-year terms, and one commissioner for a one-year term. At the next annual meeting, the village district shall elect 2 commissioners for 3-year terms.
      (b) If the village district votes to increase the number of commissioners to 5 and its commissioners serve one-year terms, at the first annual meeting following the vote, the village district shall elect 5 commissioners for one-year terms.
      (c) At succeeding annual elections the village district shall fill commissioner vacancies as they regularly occur.
      (d) If a village district votes to decrease its commissioners to 3, at the annual meeting following the vote, the terms of office of all the commissioners shall end and the village district shall elect 3 commissioners, as provided in RSA 670:2.
Source. 1986, 13:1, eff. June 17, 1986.