I. Generally. Heritage commissions shall have advisory and review authority, specifically, as follows:
      (a) Survey and inventory all cultural resources.
      (b) Conduct research and publish findings, including reports to establish the legal basis for a district and preparation of historic district ordinances within the municipality prior to its adoption or amendment as provided in RSA 675:6.
      (c) Assist the planning board, as requested, in the development and review of those sections of the master plan which address cultural and historic resources.
      (d) Advise, upon request, local agencies and other local boards in their review of requests on matters affecting or potentially affecting cultural and historic resources.
      (e) Coordinate activities with appropriate service organizations and nonprofit groups.
      (f) Publicize its activities.
      (g) Hire consultants and contractors as needed.
      (h) Receive gifts of money and property, both real and personal, in the name of the city or town, subject to the approval of the city council in a city or the board of selectmen in a town, such gifts to be managed and controlled by the commission for its proper purposes.
      (i) Hold meetings and hearings necessary to carry out its duties.
   II. Property. The commission may acquire, in the name of the town or city, subject to the approval of the local governing body, by gift, purchase, grant, bequest, devise, lease, or otherwise, a fee or lesser interest, development rights, covenant, or other contractual right, including conveyances with conditions, limitations, or reversions, as may be necessary to acquire, maintain, improve, protect, limit the future use of, or otherwise conserve and properly use the cultural resources of the city or town, and shall manage and control the same; provided, however, that the city, town, or commission shall not have the right to condemn property for these purposes.
   III. Historic District Commission. Heritage commissions also may assume, if authorized by the local legislative body, the composition and duties of historic district commissions.
Source. 1992, 64:2. 1993, 32:1. 1995, 138:5, eff. July 23, 1995.