I. A town or city, having established a heritage commission under this subdivision, may appropriate money as deemed necessary to carry out its purposes. The whole or any part of money so appropriated in any year and any gifts of money received pursuant to RSA 674:44-b shall be placed in a heritage fund and allowed to accumulate from year to year. Money may be expended from such fund by the heritage commission for its purposes without further approval of the local legislative body.
   II. The town treasurer, pursuant to RSA 41:29, shall have custody of all moneys in the heritage fund and shall pay out the same only upon order of the heritage commission. The disbursement of heritage funds shall be authorized by a majority of the heritage commission. Prior to the use of such funds for the purchase of any interest in real property, the heritage commission shall hold a public hearing with notice in accordance with RSA 675:7.
Source. 1992, 64:2. 1993, 32:3, eff. June 7, 1993.