I. (a) A municipal building inspector shall notify all abutters by certified mail upon application for a building permit to construct a small wind energy system. Abutters shall be afforded a 30-day comment period prior to the issuance of a building permit. An appeal may be made to the building code board of appeals pursuant to RSA 674:34 or to the zoning board of adjustment pursuant to RSA 676:5, as may be appropriate.
      (b) The cost of abutter notification shall be borne by the applicant.
      (c) The building inspector shall provide notice of the application for a building permit to the local governing body.
   II. The building inspector, acting as a local land use board pursuant to RSA 672:7, shall review an application for a small wind energy system pursuant to RSA 36:56 to determine whether it is a development of regional impact, as defined in RSA 36:55. If the building inspector determines that the proposal has the potential for regional impact, he or she shall follow the procedures set forth in RSA 36:57, IV.
Source. 2008, 357:1, eff. July 11, 2009.