I. A planning board reviewing a subdivision plat, site plan, or other land use application may require the applicant to reimburse the board for expenses reasonably incurred by obtaining third party review and consultation during the review process.
   II. A planning board approval of a subdivision plat, site plan, or other land use application may require the applicant to reimburse the board for expenses reasonably incurred by obtaining third party inspection during the construction process.
   III. A planning board retaining services under paragraph I or II shall require detailed invoices with reasonable task descriptions for services rendered. Upon request of the applicant, the planning board shall promptly provide a reasonably detailed accounting of expenses, or corresponding escrow deductions, with copies of supporting documentation.
   IV. A person retained as a third party inspector during the construction process shall observe, record, and promptly report to the planning board or appropriate municipal authority and applicant or applicant's successor in interest any perceived construction defect or deviation from the terms of the approval or approved project plans.
   V. Any person who becomes aware of a failure by a third party inspector to report properly and promptly a construction defect or deviation from the terms of the approval or approved project plans, may file a written complaint to the joint board established under RSA 310-A:1 for possible peer review or disciplinary action.
Source. 2009, 73:1, eff. Aug. 8, 2009.