I. Any town or city may adopt the provisions of RSA 72:28, RSA 72:29-a, RSA 72:35, RSA 72:37, RSA 72:37-b, RSA 72:38-b, RSA 72:39-a, RSA 72:62, RSA 72:66, RSA 72:70, or RSA 72:76 in the following manner:
      (a) In a town, other than a town that has adopted a charter pursuant to RSA 49-D, the question shall be placed on the warrant of a special or annual town meeting, by the governing body or by petition pursuant to RSA 39:3.
      (b) In a city or town that has adopted a charter pursuant to RSA 49-C or RSA 49-D, the legislative body may consider and act upon the question in accordance with its normal procedures for passage of resolutions, ordinances, and other legislation. In the alternative, the legislative body of such municipality may vote to place the question on the official ballot for any regular municipal election.
   II. The vote shall specify the provisions of the property tax exemption or credit, the amount of such exemption or credit, and the manner of its determination, as listed in paragraph I. If a majority of those voting on the question vote ""yes,'' the exemption or credit shall take effect within the town or city, on the date set by the governing body, or in the tax year beginning April 1 following its adoption, whichever shall occur first.
   III. A municipality may modify, if applicable, or rescind the exemption or credits provided in paragraph I in the manner described in this section.
   IV. An amendment to a statutory provision listed in paragraph I related to an exemption or credit amount or to the eligibility or application of an exemption or credit, shall apply in a municipality which previously adopted the provision only after the municipality complies with the procedure in this section, unless otherwise expressly required by law.
Source. 2003, 299:1, eff. April 1, 2003; 299:23, eff. April 1, 2003 at 12:01 a.m. 2004, 170:3, eff. July 23, 2004. 2008, 224:3, eff. July 1, 2008.