I. On receipt of an application provided for in RSA 72:33 or RSA 72:38-a, the selectmen or assessors shall examine it as to the right to the tax exemption, tax deferral or tax credit, the ownership of the property listed, and, if necessary, the encumbrances reported.
   II. For those exemptions having income or asset limitations, the assessing officials may request true copies of any documents as needed to verify eligibility. Unless otherwise provided for by law, all documents submitted with an application or as requested, as provided for in paragraphs I and II, and any copies shall be considered confidential, handled so as to protect the privacy of the individual, and not used for any purpose other than the specific statutory purposes for which the information was originally obtained. All documents and copies of such documents submitted by the applicant shall be returned to the applicant after a decision is made on the application.
   III. The assessing officials shall grant the exemption, deferral, or tax credit if:
      (a) They are satisfied that the applicant has not willfully made any false statement in the application for the purpose of obtaining the exemption, deferral, or tax credit; and
      (b) The applicant cooperated with their requests under paragraph II, if it applies.
   IV. On or before July 1 prior to the date of notice of tax under RSA 72:1-d, the selectmen or assessors shall send by first class mail a written decision to any taxpayer who timely requests an exemption or tax credit. On or before July 1 following the date of notice of tax under RSA 72:1-d, the selectmen or assessors shall send by first class mail a written decision to any taxpayer who timely requests a deferral. This decision shall be sent on a form to be prepared by the department of revenue administration. The decision shall advise the taxpayer of the municipality's decision and shall inform the taxpayer of the appeal procedure set forth in RSA 72:34-a. Failure to respond shall constitute denial. Municipalities may, at their option, require the taxpayer to furnish a self-addressed envelope with sufficient postage for the mailing of this written decision.
Source. 1947, 240:1, par. 29-e. RSA 72:34. 1969, 183:1. 1981, 188:1. 1991, 70:15, 16. 1995, 265:4, eff. Jan. 1, 1996. 2003, 299:7, eff. April 1, 2005. 2004, 170:4, eff. April 1, 2005. 2006, 30:1, eff. June 3, 2006.