I. Beginning on July 1, 1995, and for each fiscal year thereafter, the department shall pay over all revenue, except revenues identified in paragraph III of this section, collected under this chapter to the state treasurer. On or before October 1 of each year, the department shall determine the cost of administration of this chapter for the fiscal year ending on the preceding June 30, and it shall notify the state treasurer of these costs by a report certified by them as to correctness. After deducting the cost of administration of the chapter from the total income, the state treasurer shall distribute the net income as follows:
      (a) Sixty percent to the general fund, less:
         (1) The amount necessary to provide payments of principal and interest on the bonds and notes authorized under RSA 198:15-a, II for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2009, June 30, 2010, and June 30, 2011; and
         (2) An amount equal to 3.15 percent of net income distributed under this subparagraph which shall be credited to the department of resources and development, division of travel and tourism development.
      (b) Forty percent to the unincorporated towns, unorganized places, towns, and cities. The amount to be distributed to each such town, place, or city shall be determined by multiplying the amount to be distributed by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the population of the unincorporated town, unorganized place, town or city and the denominator of which shall be the population of the state. The population figures shall be based on the latest resident population figures furnished by the office of energy and planning.
   II. For fiscal year 1995, instead of the 40 percent distribution in subparagraph I(b), 75 percent of each city's or town's 1976 distribution under RSA 78-A:23 shall be distributed under the provisions of subparagraph I(b), plus an amount equal to 75 percent of any increase in the revenue received from the meals and rooms tax for the fiscal year ending on the preceding June 30, not to exceed $2,000,000. For fiscal year 1996, the amount to be distributed shall be equal to the prior year's distribution, plus an amount equal to 75 percent of any increase in the revenue received from the meals and rooms tax for the fiscal year ending on the preceding June 30, not to exceed $3,000,000. For fiscal year 1997 and each year thereafter, the amount to be distributed shall be equal to the prior year's distribution plus an amount equal to 75 percent of any increase in the income received from the meals and rooms tax for the fiscal year ending on the preceding June 30, not to exceed $5,000,000, until such time as the total amount distributed annually is equal to the amount indicated in subparagraph I(b).
   III. Beginning on July 1, 1999, and for each fiscal year thereafter, the department shall pay over all revenue collected pursuant to RSA 78-A:6, II-a to the state treasurer for deposit in the education trust fund established by RSA 198:39.
Source. 1993, 352:1. 1999, 17:30, 31, eff. July 1, 1999. 2003, 319:9, eff. July 1, 2003. 2004, 257:44, eff. July 1, 2004. 2009, 144:6, eff. June 30, 2009.