I. The department of revenue administration shall administer and enforce this chapter. The director of the division of forests and lands and his agents shall also have enforcement authority in regard to the proper filing and reporting of intents to cut, posting of certificates and intents to cut, and proper filing and reporting of the timber cut and shall otherwise assist in enforcement of this chapter as agreed upon by the commissioner of the department of revenue administration and the director, division of forests and lands. It is the intent of this section to authorize the commissioner of the department of revenue administration and the director, division of forests and lands, and their agents, to have enforcement authority and the right to stop any operation in violation of RSA 79 and report same to local authorities.
   II. Officials responsible for the enforcement of this chapter may enter upon any lands for which an intent to cut has been signed or a certificate has been issued pursuant to RSA 79 or may enter upon any lands that they believe may have an operation in violation of RSA 79. They also may review any records in conjunction with any timber operation in the state.
Source. 1975, 380:10. 1985, 275:16, eff. April 1, 1986. 2003, 138:4, eff. Jan. 1, 2004.