Every such corporation or company shall, on or before July 1 annually, deliver to the department of revenue administration a statement under oath, showing the number and par value of the shares of each class of its stock, and the market value of each share as of April 1, the dividends paid per share on each class of stock during the preceding year and the dates of such payments, the date of issue, the number and denomination of each issue of its bonds, the interest paid during the preceding year, and the market value of each of said bonds, the amount of its floating indebtedness, with the interest paid on the same, and the average market value of said floating indebtedness during said preceding year, the gross receipts from whatever source derived for said preceding year, the amount expended from said receipts for operating expenses, not including any sum expended for physical betterment or transferred to surplus or sinking funds during said preceding year, the amount expended for physical betterments, or transferred to surplus or sinking funds during the preceding year, and whence derived, and the amount of money actually on hand in cash on said April 1.
Source. 1911, 169:16. PL 69:9. RL 83:9. RSA 82:10. 1973, 544:13. 1983, 318:12, eff. June 30, 1983.