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Section 94:1-a Salaries Established.

   I. (a) The following salary ranges shall apply to the following grades:

GROUP MINIMUM 1 2 3 4 MAXIMUMAA $48,729 $51,907 $55,084 $58,261 $61,438 $64,615BB $50,668 $53,973 $57,278 $60,583 $63,888 $67,192CC $53,020 $56,483 $59,946 $63,409 $66,872 $70,335DD $55,822 $59,469 $63,117 $66,765 $70,413 $74,060EE $59,120 $62,989 $66,858 $70,727 $74,596 $78,467FF $63,208 $67,350 $71,492 $75,634 $79,776 $83,917GG $68,231 $72,706 $77,181 $81,656 $86,131 $90,606HH $74,296 $79,175 $84,054 $88,933 $93,812 $98,691II $78,550 $83,713 $88,876 $94,039 $99,202 $104,364JJ $82,805 $88,251 $93,697 $99,143 $104,589 $110,036KK $84,921 $90,509 $96,097 $101,685 $107,273 $112,861LL -- -- -- -- -- $116,170MM -- -- -- -- -- $120,095NN -- -- -- -- -- $124,705OO -- -- -- -- -- $130,094PP -- -- -- -- -- $136,536QQ -- -- -- -- -- $144,289
      (b) The salary ranges in subparagraph (a) shall be for the positions set forth in the following grades:

Grade Agency Position AA Department of corrections executive assistant to parole boardAA Department of health and human executive assistant services AA Executive council executive assistant BB Department of health and human health planning analyst services BB Department of health and human service specialist services, office of the commissioner and division for children, youth and families BB Department of health and human public information officer services BB Department of justice consumer protection investigator BB Department of justice criminal justice investigator CC Department of revenue multi-state tax auditor administration CC Real estate commission executive director CC Department of health and human long term care policy analyst services, division of elderly and adult services CC Veterans council director CC Judicial council executive director CC Insurance Department senior insurance fraud investigatorDD Department of health and human head start coordinator services DD Department of health and human senior health policy analyst services DD Department of health and human system specialist services, office of health management DD Department of cultural resources director DD Department of health and human development services behavioral services, division of specialist developmental services DD New Hampshire hospital infection control practitioner DD New Hampshire hospital unit administrator DD Department of resources and director of marketing economic development DD Department of state assistant secretary of state DD State treasurer assistant treasurer DD Department of health and human manager, facilities and security services DD Department of resources and mountain manager economic development DD Department of health and human data base administrator services DD Department of agriculture, markets director and food DD Department of justice chief counsel justice investigator DD Department of revenue field audit leader administration DD Department of revenue field audit team leader administration DD Department of revenue manager administration DD Department of revenue director of collections division administration DD Department of revenue taxpayer advocate administration DD Department of health and human managing analyst services DD Department of health and human systems analyst services DD Department of health and human legal services director services DD Insurance department health care statistician DD Department of administrative education and training officer services DD Board of tax and land appeals board member DD Board of tax and land appeals chairman DD Department of health and human service specialist services, division of children, youth and families DD Department of health and human manager of community programs services, division of juvenile justice services DD Department of health and human systems analyst services, division of juvenile justice services EE Department of health and human administrator of childrens mental services, division of behavioral health services health EE Department of health and human director of program operations services, division of elderly and adult services EE Department of revenue chief of field audits administration EE Department of health and human administrator of finance services EE Department of health and human director of finance and support services operations EE Department of health and human senior systems analyst services EE Department of health and human MVS systems programmer services EE Department of health and human network specialist services EE Department of health and human business and industry coordinator services EE Highway safety coordinator EE Insurance department director of operations EE Insurance Department compliance and enforcement counsel EE New Hampshire hospital community integration administratorEE Postsecondary education commission executive director EE Department of revenue audit team leaders administration EE Department of state state archivist EE Department of health and human director services EE Department of health and human ombudsman services EE Department of health and human technical specialist services EE Department of health and human program specialist services, office of health management EE Department of health and human manager of administrative hearings services EE Department of health and human manager, licensing and regulatory services services EE Department of health and human senior financial analyst services EE Department of health and human director of residential and services institutional services EE Department of health and human administrator, bureau of community services, division of elderly services services and adult services EE Governor's commission on disability executive director EE Department of health and human facilities engineer services EE Department of health and human manager for quality improvement, services evaluation and research EE Department of health and human senior systems analyst services, division of juvenile justice services FF Department of corrections warden, New Hampshire state prison - women FF New Hampshire port authority director FF McAuliffe-Shepard discovery center director FF Department of executive executive director, bureau of administrative services emergency communications FF Department of health and human administrator, bureau of child services, division of children, development youth and families FF Department of health and human juvenile justice administrator services, division of children, youth and families FF Department of safety deputy director of motor vehicles FF Department of safety director of safety services FF Department of transportation director of aeronautics, rail, and transit FF Department of health and human director of transitional assistance services, division of behavioral health FF Department of justice director, office of victim/witness advocate FF New Hampshire hospital chief operating officer FF Department of revenue assistant director, audit division administration FF Department of revenue director of document processing administration FF Department of health and human director, operations analysis services FF Department of health and human director of MMIS services FF Department of administrative manager of employee relations services FF Department of agriculture, markets state veterinarian and food FF Department of health and human director of applications and services development FF Department of health and human director of administration services FF Department of health and human director of MMIS management services FF Department of health and human director, special projects services FF Department of health and human legislative director services FF Department of health and human administrator of financial support services services FF Department of health and human systems specialist services FF Department of health and human director of finance services FF Department of health and human senior financial manager services FF Department of employment security counsel FF Insurance Department assistant actuary FF Insurance department general counsel FF Insurance department health care policy analyst FF Insurance department insurance fraud prosecutor FF New Hampshire hospital director of finance and support operations FF Department of health and human molecular biologist services, office of health management FF Public utilities commission consumer advocate FF Department of revenue revenue counsel administration FF Glencliff home administrator FF Department of health and human managing analyst services FF Department of health and human transitional assistance, business services and industry coordinator FF Department of health and human director of finance services FF Department of health and human director of systems operations services FF Department of health and human assistant director, policy and services administration FF Department of safety assistant director, homeland security and emergency managementGG Liquor commission commissioner GG New Hampshire veterans home commandant GG Adjutant general deputy adjutant general GG Department of education director, career technology and adult learning GG Department of education director, standards and certification GG Department of education director of instruction GG Department of health and human director, alcohol and drug abuse services GG Department of health and human director of child support services services GG Department of health and human assistant director, community services, division of behavioral supports and long-term care health GG Department of justice director GG Department of resources and director, division of parks economic development GG Lottery commission executive director GG Department of health and human office of program support services GG Department of corrections director, division of administration GG Department of corrections psychiatrist GG Department of corrections senior physician GG Department of environmental chief operations officer services GG Department of health and human chief legal counsel services GG Department of employment security general counsel GG Department of cultural resources state librarian GG Department of resources and director of economic development economic development GG State treasurer deputy treasurer GG Banking department deputy bank commissioner GG Department of corrections director, division of field services GG Department of safety director, division of fire standards and training and emergency medical services GG Department of safety director of administration GG Department of safety director of information technology GG Department of safety chief of policy and planning GG Police standards and training director council GG Department of resources and director of travel and tourism economic development GG Department of resources and director, forests and lands economic development GG Department of health and human assistant director services, division of children, youth and families GG Insurance department director GG Department of health and human director of program support services, office of health management GG Department of state deputy secretary of state GG State treasurer chief deputy treasurer GG Department of transportation director of finance HH Department of corrections warden, Northern New Hampshire corrections facility HH Fish and game department executive director HH Labor department deputy commissioner HH Liquor commission chairman HH Department of agriculture, markets commissioner and food HH Department of health and human chief information officer services HH Department of environmental director services HH Department of cultural resources commissioner HH Department of health and human director of elderly services services division of elderly and adult services HH Department of revenue assistant commissioner administration HH Department of revenue director of audit division administration HH Department of youth development commissioner services HH Department of administrative director (comptroller) services HH Department of administrative director of information technology services management HH Department of administrative director of plant and property services management HH Department of administrative director, division of personnel services HH Department of administrative financial data manager services HH Department of corrections unit director non-medical HH Department health and human division director services HH Department health and human controller services HH Department of health and human director of application management services HH New Hampshire hospital associate commissioner and directorHH New Hampshire hospital chief executive officer HH Insurance department actuary HH Public utilities commission general counsel HH Public utilities commission executive director HH Department of health and human director of developmental services services HH Department of health and human transitional assistance, section services administrator HH Insurance department deputy commissioner HH Department of safety state fire marshal II Department of health and human director, community supports and services, division of behavioral long term care health II State treasurer treasurer II Adjutant general adjutant general II Department of corrections warden, New Hampshire state prison - men II Department of safety director of state police II Department of safety director of motor vehicles II Department of employment security commissioner II Banking department commissioner II Department of health and human director services, division of children, youth and families II Department of education deputy commissioner II Department of transportation director of project development II Labor department commissioner II Insurance department insurance commissioner II Department of environmental assistant commissioner services II Department of health and human director services, office of health management II Department of state secretary of state II Department of administrative assistant commissioner services II Department of corrections senior dentist II New Hampshire hospital senior dentist II Department of transportation director of operations II Department of safety director of homeland security and emergency management II Department of safety director of division of emergency services and communications JJ Department of health and human senior division director services JJ Public utilities commission chairman JJ Public utilities commission commissioner JJ Department of safety assistant commissioner JJ Department of justice deputy attorney general JJ Department of corrections assistant commissioner JJ Department of transportation deputy commissioner KK Department of education commissioner KK Department of health and human deputy commissioner services KK Department of transportation assistant commissioner KK Department of resources and commissioner economic development KK Department of environmental commissioner services LL Department of safety commissioner LL Department of transportation commissioner LL Department of justice attorney general LL Department of administrative commissioner services LL Department of corrections commissioner LL Department of revenue commissioner administration MM Department of health and human commissioner services MM Governor governor NN Department of justice deputy chief medical examiner NN Department of health and human senior physician/psychiatrist I services NN Department of health and human state senior physician services OO Department of health and human senior physician/psychiatrist II services PP Department of health and human unit director, medical services PP Department of health and human state epidemiologist, administrator services health data unit PP Department of health and human physician in charge services QQ Department of justice chief medical examiner
   (c) For attorney positions in the department of justice, except for the attorney general and deputy attorney general, the following shall apply commencing on January 2, 2009:

Minimum Market anchor Maximum $45,119 $107,691Attorney $54,389 Assistant attorney general $74,088 Senior assistant attorney general $91,469 Associate attorney general $100,739
   II. The salary wages for the positions set forth below shall be as follows commencing January 2, 2009:

Minimum MaximumGovernor's councilors $15,169Racing and charitable gaming commissioners $11,765Sweepstakes commission, chairman $17,111Sweepstakes commission, members $ 9,632
   III. Officials named in this section shall be placed in the corresponding steps in the new salary ranges as their length of service justifies and in accordance with RSA 94:3. Lottery commissioners who are members of a multi-state lottery commission and who are authorized to be compensated for such services shall be compensated in addition to their salary under RSA 94:1-a, II, provided, that such additional salary equals no more than $50 per actual day worked plus reasonable expenses for duties performed as a multi-state lottery commissioner. Racing commissioners, lottery commissioners, and the state entomologist only excepted, any official whose salary upon placement in the new salary range is less than that of a subordinate classified employee shall be placed at the next higher step in range above said classified employee and shall be entitled to any increase provided for herein until the maximum provided herein is reached. However, in the event that the maximum of the unclassified position is less than the salary of said subordinate classified employee, the governor and council is authorized to increase the maximum of the unclassified position in an amount to provide a differential of not more than $1,000.
   III-a. [Repealed.]
   IV. Part-Time Unclassified Employees. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, all part-time unclassified employees whose annual salary as established in RSA 94:1-a is in excess of $15,000 shall be paid on a per diem basis. For the purpose of this section, the commissioner of administrative services shall determine which unclassified employees are part-time. Said determination shall include, but not be limited to, certifiable daily recordation of such employee's actual presence at his place of work as well as such recordation of annual and sick leave actually taken by said employees. The per diem rate for such employees shall be determined by dividing the number of state working days excluding holidays into the salary established in RSA 94:1-a. Such part-time unclassified employees shall be entitled to such annual leave and sick leave as determined by the director of personnel based on the number of days actually worked. Such part-time unclassified employees shall be entitled to the same fringe benefits as other classified employees.

Source. 1953, 265:1. RSA 94:1. 1955, 153:2; 321:1; 323:4, 6; 335:8. 1957, 90:1; 223:2; 274:4, 7; 315:2. 1959, 199:4; 268:12. 1961, 166:5; 221:4; 222:5; 223:4; 266:12. 1963, 39:2; 132:2; 209:2; 328:17; 303:14. 1965, 267:7; 365:1. 1967, 95:6; 253:6; 333:2; 379:10; 413:3; 445:1. 1969, 108:2; 453:2; 466:2; 500:11, 12. 1970, 19:3, I, II; 29:8; 38:8, 9; 55:3; 57:3, 4. 1971, 130:3; 325:1; 346:1; 526:2; 541:19. 1972, 36:4; 60:45, 46. 1973, 6:5; 10:4; 182:2; 369:2; 377:5, 6; 400:2; 544:5; 582:3; 594:3. 1974, 40:79; 47:13. 1975, 146:7; 208:4; 239:1; 439:22; 505:11, 28, 29, 48. 1976, 21:1; 44:3. 1977, 365:2; 470:1; 485:5; 488:4; 499:5; 568:2; 600:59, I-III, IV; 600:114. 1978, 55:4. 1979, 246:2; 256:9; 359:7; 378:45; 388:1; 408:3; 434:60; 434:86, 102, 115; 471:8; 494:7; 495:4. 1981, 466:6; 568:37, I-III, 60, I, 136, I, 140, I, 163, I. 1982, 42:16, I, 53, 84, 85. 1983, 140:4; 170:2; 379:8; 383:13; 416:5, 52; 419:12; 436:7; 461:15, 18; 469:34-36, 119, II. 1985, 268:42; 337:11; 399:3, I, 23; 402:34; 405:4, 5; 410:9. 1986, 12:9, 10; 116:1, 2; 128:7; 135:4; 141:3; 202:25; 223:11; 231:5, 6, 8, 9. 1987, 124:4; 149:5; 340:2; 380:36, 37; 401:4-6; 406:8-10; 411:10. 1988, 107:5; 232:6; 269:9. 1989, 124:2; 231:4; 240:7; 246:1; 303:1; 323:7; 330:1, 2; 362:2; 388:5; 396:6, 7; 419:3, 4. 1990, 70:1; 73:1; 140:1; 211:2; 235:9; 246:3, 4. 1991, 173:3; 269:10, 11; 339:3, 4; 346:14, 15; 355:7, I, 11, 13, I, 92. 1992, 13:7; 165:5; 221:5; 289:4. 1993, 240:1; 321:3, I; 358:10, 22, 32-37, 87. 1994, 158:20; 212:2; 379:3; 385:1-4; 389:16, 17; 410:8. 1995, 10:3; 181:18; 182:1, 2; 190:13; 308:17, 52, 92; 310:42, 43. 1996, 159:4; 210:4; 228:16, 17. 1997, 82:1; 329:15; 351:13, 19, 20, 24-26. 1998, 81:1; 363:3; 385:3, 4; 386:17. 1999, 167:1; 225:10, 24, 29-34; 296:5; 317:5; 345:2, 5. 2000, 246:1, eff. July 1, 2000; 166:8, eff. July 22, 2000. 2001, 158:32, eff. July 1, 2001; 158:89, 101, eff. Dec. 28, 2001; 158:90, 102, eff. Dec. 27, 2002; 225:3, eff. July 1, 2001; 237:1, 12, eff. July 1, 2001; 286:20, eff. Sept. 14, 2001; 290:7, eff. July 1, 2001. 2002, 150:1, 2, eff. May 15, 2002; 257:13, eff. July 1, 2002. 2003, 319:86, eff. Jan. 1, 2004; 319:114, 115, eff. Sept. 4, 2003; 319:166, eff. July 1, 2003. 2004, 97:8, eff. July 10, 2004; 171:9, 28, eff. July 24, 2004; 187:9, eff. July 31, 2004; 257:31, eff. July 1, 2004. 2005, 177:71, 83, 86, eff. July 8, 2005; 177:72, 84, 87, eff. Jan. 6, 2006; 177:73, 85, 88, eff. June 16, 2006; 177:103, eff. July 1, 2005; 218:5, eff. Sept. 3, 2005; 222:7, eff. Sept. 3, 2005. 2006, 120:1, eff. July 14, 2006; 290:1, 6, eff. June 15, 2006; 290:13, I, II, eff. July 1, 2006. 2007, 263:12, 85, 87 eff. July 1, 2007; 263:137, 140, 143, eff. July 6, 2007; 263:138, 141, 144, eff. Jan. 4, 2008; 263:139, 142, 145, eff. Jan. 2, 2009; 361:33, 34, eff. July 17, 2007. 2008, 25:2, eff. July 11, 2008; 25:3, eff. Jan. 2, 2009 at 12:01 a.m.; 61:5, eff. May 21, 2008; 102:1, eff. July 27, 2008; 361:12, eff. July 11, 2008; 387:2, 3, eff. Sept. 9, 2008. 2009, 13:5, I, II, eff. April 17, 2009; 52:2, eff. May 22, 2009; 144:70, 107, 189, effective July 1, 2009; 222:5, eff. upon closing of Lakes Region facility.

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