The following terms shall be construed as follows:
   I. ""Temporary appointment'' shall mean an appointment made to fill a temporary position on a full-time basis for the period of appointment.
   II. ""Seasonal appointment'' shall mean an appointment made to fill a seasonal position on a full-time basis for the period of appointment. A seasonal appointment is one which may reasonably be anticipated as likely to recur each year for a varying number of months.
   III. ""The equivalent of 6 months or more'' shall mean the equivalent of 130 or more regularly scheduled work days, not necessarily consecutive, provided that whenever an employee of the racing commission or greyhound racing commission is employed on any day on a per diem basis he shall be deemed to have worked one day.
   IV. ""Full-time basis'' shall refer to employment calling for not less than 37-1/2 hours work in a normal calendar week or calling for not less than 40 hours work in a normal calendar week with respect to positions for which 40 hours are customarily required.
   V. ""Part-time basis'' shall refer to employment calling for less than 37-1/2 hours work in a normal calendar week or calling for less than 40 hours work in a normal calendar week with respect to positions for which 40 hours are customarily required.
Source. 1963, 309:1. 1965, 164:1. 1973, 271:2, eff. Aug. 21, 1973.