The director of the division of emergency services and communications, subject to the approval of the commissioner, shall:
   I. Appoint such personnel as may be necessary to perform the duties assigned by the division subject to the limits of available funds. Personnel appointed under this section shall be classified state employees as defined by the division of personnel.
   II. [Repealed.]
   III. Enter into contracts and do such things as may be necessary and incidental to the administration of the division's authority pursuant to this chapter, with the approval of the commissioner.
   IV. Accept in the name of the state any and all donations or grants, both real and personal, from any governmental unit or public agency or from any institution, person, firm, or corporation. The division shall receive, utilize, and dispose of all donations and grants consistent with the rules of the division and the purpose or conditions of the donation or grant.
   V. Make such investigations as may be necessary to determine whether governmental units are complying with the provisions of this chapter.
   VI. File as part of the annual report of the department of safety required under RSA 20:7, the status of development of operational standards and training programs, the development of the data base, revenue generated from telephone subscribers, budget and revenue projections, the degree of coordination with municipalities, the extent of public use of the service and the quality of service rendered.
   VII. In conjunction with the operating budget of the department of safety, the department shall submit a budget for each biennium, which shall include financial responsibility for and the costs of all programs offered or contracted by the division of emergency services, communications and management, and all revenues and expenditures of the dedicated fund established in RSA 106-H:9.
Source. 1992, 165:1. 1993, 231:3, eff. June 10, 1993. 2003, 319:121, eff. Sept. 4, 2003. 2004, 171:15, eff. July 24, 2004. 2008, 358:6, 7, 16, IV, eff. Sept. 9, 2008; 361:14, eff. July 11, 2008.