I. All armories, arsenals, camps, ranges, bases, airports, and other facilities owned, leased, licensed, or maintained by the state or by the United States for the use of the New Hampshire national guard and all activities conducted therein shall be under the general charge, control of, and regulated by the adjutant general and no political subdivision of the state shall interfere with or regulate such activities. The adjutant general may use the means necessary and required, including the arming of trained personnel, to protect, guard, secure and defend and maintain all such facilities. Use of force by any member of the New Hampshire national guard in duty status, shall be in accordance with the applicable Department of Defense, United States Army, and United States Air Force directives and instructions on rules of engagement and use of force. If mission specific rules of engagement are issued, the specific rules shall be followed, to the degree they deviate from the existing rules, for as long as military members are carrying out duties related to the mission for which the specific rules were issued.
   II. Unless the same shall be furnished by the United States, the state shall provide adequate armory accommodations, bases, camps, target ranges, and other facilities and shall maintain the same for units of the army national guard and of the air national guard allotted to the state under the laws of the United States, accepted by the governor and organized under the authority of this chapter.
   III. The adjutant general may designate an officer to be in direct charge of each armory, arsenal, camp, base, or other facility.
   IV. The adjutant general may cooperate with and enter into agreements with the federal government, or any agency thereof, as he or she deems desirable to secure the participation of the United States government, through the allotment of federal funds, in the costs of constructing, enlarging, or altering armories or other military facilities.
   V. Any military facilities which are the responsibility of the state shall be accepted by the adjutant general, after the approval of the governor and council in accordance with the provisions of RSA 4:29.
   VI. For purposes of morale and unit cohesiveness and to assist in esprit de corps, units may have a social club composed of members located within national guard facilities. Any such club shall be subject to regulations issued by the adjutant general, shall be under the control of the assistant adjutant general for the air or army national guard, and shall be licensed and subject to inspection by the New Hampshire state liquor commission.
Source. 1981, 434:1. 1985, 25:2. 1986, 228:2, eff. July 1, 1986. 2002, 248:7, eff. May 17, 2002.