The governor shall have power, in case of invasion, disaster, insurrection, riot, breach of the peace, resistance to process of this state, or imminent danger thereof, or for the safety of the inhabitants of the state, to order into the active service of the state for such period, to such extent, and in such manner as the governor may deem necessary, all or any part of the national guard. Such power shall include the power to order the national guard or any part thereof to function under the operational control of the United States army, navy or air force commander in charge of the defense of any area within the state which is invaded or attacked or is or may be threatened with invasion or attack. The governor shall also permit paid and unpaid training and other state duty under such regulations as prescribed by the adjutant general.
Source. 1981, 434:1. 1985, 25:1, eff. May 31, 1985.