Any municipal waste combustor, as defined in RSA 125-M:2, XI, with a design capacity of at least 35 tons per day but no more than 250 tons per day of municipal solid waste, as defined in RSA 125-M:2, X, shall be limited to the following levels of emissions, unless otherwise provided for by a more stringent federal regulation, or by other state statute:
   I. Particulate matter: 27 milligrams/dry standard cubic meter, corrected to 7 percent oxygen, 3-run average (run duration specified in test method).
   II. Opacity: 10 percent (6-minute average), 30 6-minute averages.
   III. Cadmium: 0.040 milligrams/dry standard cubic meter, corrected to 7 percent oxygen, 3-run average (run duration specified in test method).
   IV. Lead: 0.44 milligrams/dry standard cubic meter, corrected to 7 percent oxygen, 3-run average (run duration specified in test method).
   V. Mercury: 0.028 milligrams/dry standard cubic meter, corrected to 7 percent oxygen, or 85 percent control efficiency, 3-run average (run duration specified in test method).
   VI. Sulfur dioxide: 29 parts per million by volume, or 25 percent of the potential sulfur dioxide emission concentration, corrected to 7 percent oxygen (dry basis), monthly block geometric average concentration or percent reduction.
   VII. Hydrogen chloride: 29 parts per million by volume, or 5 percent of the potential hydrogen chloride emission concentration, corrected to 7 percent oxygen (dry basis), 3-run average (minimum run duration is 1 hour).
   VIII. Dioxins/furans: 60 nanograms/dry standard cubic meter (total mass), corrected to 7 percent oxygen, where an electrostatic precipitator- based emission control system is employed; or 30 nanograms/dry standard cubic meter (total mass) corrected to 7 percent oxygen, where an electrostatic precipitator-based emission control system is not employed, 3-run average (minimum run duration is 4 hours).
Source. 2005, 72:1, eff. Jan. 1, 2006.