I. The program shall require each person who manufactures, possesses, distributes, sells, installs, repairs, or uses a source of radiation to maintain records relative to its receipt, storage, transfer, or disposal, and such other records as the program may require subject to exemptions as provided by rules.
   II. The program shall require each person who possesses or uses a source of ionizing radiation to maintain appropriate records showing the radiation exposure of all individuals for whom personnel monitoring is required by rules of the program. Copies of these records and those required by paragraph I shall be submitted to the program on request. Any person possessing or using a source of ionizing radiation shall furnish to each employee for whom personnel monitoring is required, a copy of such employee's personnel exposure record annually, at any time such employee has received excessive exposure, and upon termination of employment.
Source. 1986, 169:1, eff. July 27, 1986.