A separate application shall be made for each stage of the process of evaluating and selecting a site for the long-term or temporary storage or permanent disposal of high-level radioactive waste. An application to conduct area or site characterization studies or any phase of such a study which is filed pursuant to this chapter shall contain the following information and materials:
   I. A description of the proposed activities, including maps, present and proposed development, and geological, seismic, ecological, hydrological, biological, aesthetic, social, demographic and related data, as appropriate.
   II. A statement of the ownership and other financial interests in the proposed facility.
   III. An estimate of the costs of the proposed activities, if any, and the source of the funds.
   IV. A statement of the need for the proposed activities, including the source, type, and composition of the nuclear waste proposed to be received for testing, storage, or disposal at the facility.
   V. A statement of the environmental impact of the proposed action, including short-term and long-term effects, mitigation measures proposed to minimize the environmental impact, and any adverse environmental effects which could not be avoided should the facility be constructed, maintained and operated.
   VI. A statement of the socioeconomic impact of the proposed action, including the short-term and long-term effects, mitigation measures proposed to minimize the socioeconomic impact, and any adverse socioeconomic effects which could not be avoided should the facility be constructed, maintained and operated.
   VII. An assessment of the safety and adequacy of the in-state transportation system to the site for each state including characterization, construction, operation and maintenance. The assessment shall include mitigation measures to be employed to minimize negative impacts during transportation and actions to be taken to restore the system from any adverse impacts which could not be avoided.
   VIII. A complete resume of the applicant's expertise and experience in all other fields of study in relation to high-level radioactive waste storage and disposal, including the general conclusions, technical results, and findings of those activities.
   IX. Plans for access to land, whether privately or publicly owned, in order to conduct studies including plans for access in the event that the owner refuses access.
Source. 1986, 176:1, eff. July 27, 1986.