I. There is established the air pollution advisory committee composed of the following members:
      (a) Four representatives, appointed by the speaker of the house, of whom at least 3 are from the house science, technology, and energy committee. At least one of the 4 representatives shall be a member of a minority party.
      (b) Four senators, appointed by the senate president.
      (c) The governor, or designee.
   I-a. The following additional members, whose terms shall be coterminous with their terms of office, shall be non-voting members of the committee and shall supply the committee with any information that it requests concerning matters subject to its purview:
      (a) The commissioner of safety, or designee.
      (b) The commissioner of environmental services, or designee.
   II. The committee shall elect a chairperson and vice-chairperson, and meetings shall be at the call of the chair or 4 or more committee members. The terms of the members shall be coterminous with their terms of office.
   III. The committee shall perform an ongoing evaluation of the effectiveness of the following subjects and report its findings and recommendations to the governor and council, the speaker of the house, the senate president, the senate clerk, the house clerk, the state library, the house environment and agriculture, the science, technology and energy, and the commerce, small business, consumer affairs and economic development committees and the senate environment and economic development committees by October 1 of each year:
      (a) The effectiveness of vehicle emission related portions of the motor vehicle safety inspection.
      (b) The effectiveness of the emission reductions credits trading program.
   IV. The committee shall also review and make recommendations to the commissioner on any proposed rule to be adopted under this chapter.
Source. 1994, 397:2. 1995, 9:15, 16. 1998, 207:2, eff. June 18, 1998.