The general court finds that:
   I. It is in the public interest to achieve significant reductions in mercury emissions at the coal-burning electric power plants in the state as soon as possible. The requirements of this subdivision will prevent, at a minimum, 80 percent of the aggregated mercury content of the coal burned at these plants from being emitted into the air by no later than the year 2013. To accomplish this objective, the best known commercially available technology shall be installed at Merrimack Station no later than July 1, 2013.
   II. The department of environmental services has determined that the best known commercially available technology is a wet flue gas desulphurization system, hereafter ""scrubber technology,'' as it best balances the procurement, installation, operation, and plant efficiency costs with the projected reductions in mercury and other pollutants from the flue gas streams of Merrimack Units 1 and 2. Scrubber technology achieves significant emissions reduction benefits, including but not limited to, cost effective reductions in sulfur dioxide, sulfur trioxide, small particulate matter, and improved visibility (regional haze).
   III. After scrubber technology is installed at Merrimack Station, and after a period of operation has reliably established a consistent level of mercury removal at or greater than 80 percent, the department will ensure through monitoring that that level of mercury removal is sustained, consistent with the proven operational capability of the system at Merrimack Station.
   IV. To ensure that an ongoing and steadfast effort is made to implement practicable technological or operational solutions to achieve significant mercury reductions prior to the construction and operation of the scrubber technology at Merrimack Station, the owner of the affected coal-burning sources shall work to bring about such early reductions and shall be provided incentives to do so.
   V. The installation of scrubber technology will not only reduce mercury emissions significantly but will do so without jeopardizing electric reliability and with reasonable costs to consumers.
   VI. The installation of such technology is in the public interest of the citizens of New Hampshire and the customers of the affected sources.
   VII. Notwithstanding the provisions of RSA 125-O:1, VI, the purchase of mercury credits or allowances to comply with the mercury reduction requirements of this subdivision or the sale of mercury credits or allowances earned under this subdivision is not in the public interest.
   VIII. The mercury reduction requirements set forth in this subdivision represent a careful, thoughtful balancing of cost, benefits, and technological feasibility and therefore the requirements shall be viewed as an integrated strategy of non-severable components.
Source. 2006, 105:1, eff. June 8, 2006.