In this subdivision:
   I. ""Affected sources'' means existing coal-burning power plant units in this state, specifically Merrimack Units 1 and 2 in Bow and Schiller Units 4, 5, and 6 in Portsmouth.
   II. ""Baseline mercury emissions'' means the total annual mercury emissions from all of the affected sources, calculated in accordance with RSA 125-O:14, II.
   III. ""Baseline mercury input'' means the total annual mercury input found in the coal used by all of the affected sources, calculated in accordance with RSA 125-O:14, I.
   IV. ""Owner'' means the owner or owners of the affected sources.
   V. ""Scrubber technology'' means a wet flue gas desulphurization system.
Source. 2006, 105:1, eff. June 8, 2006.