I. The owner shall install and have operational scrubber technology to control mercury emissions at Merrimack Units 1 and 2 no later than July 1, 2013. The achievement of this requirement is contingent upon obtaining all necessary permits and approvals from federal, state, and local regulatory agencies and bodies; however, all such regulatory agencies and bodies are encouraged to give due consideration to the general court's finding that the installation and operation of scrubber technology at Merrimack Station is in the public interest. The owner shall make appropriate initial filings with the department and the public utilities commission, if applicable, within one year of the effective date of this section, and with any other applicable regulatory agency or body in a timely manner.
   II. Total mercury emissions from the affected sources shall be at least 80 percent less on an annual basis than the baseline mercury input, as defined in RSA 125-O:12, III, beginning on July 1, 2013.
   III. Prior to July 1, 2013, the owner shall test and implement, as practicable, mercury reduction control technologies or methods to achieve early reductions in mercury emissions below the baseline mercury emissions. The owner shall report the results of any testing to the department and shall submit a plan for department approval before commencing implementation.
   IV. If the net power output (as measured in megawatts) from Merrimack Station is reduced, due to the power consumption requirements or operational inefficiencies of the installed scrubber technology, the owner may invest in capital improvements at Merrimack Station that increase its net capability, within the requirements and regulations of programs enforceable by the state or federal government, or both.
   V. Mercury reductions achieved through the operation of the scrubber technology greater than 80 percent shall be sustained insofar as the proven operational capability of the system, as installed, allows. The department, in consultation with the owner, shall determine the maximum sustainable rate of mercury emissions reductions and incorporate such rate as a condition of operational permits issued by the department for Merrimack Units 1 and 2. This requirement in no way affects the ability of the owner to earn over-compliance credits consistent with RSA 125-O:16, II.
   VI. The purchase of mercury emissions allowances or credits from any established emissions allowance or credit program shall not be allowed for compliance with the mercury reduction requirements of this chapter.
   VII. If the mercury reduction requirement of paragraph II is not achieved in any year after the July 1, 2013 implementation date, and after full operation of the scrubber technology, then the owner may utilize early emissions reduction credits or over-compliance credits, or both, to make up any shortfall, and thereby be in compliance.
   VIII. If the mercury reduction requirement of paragraph II is not achieved by the owner in any year after the July 1, 2013 implementation date despite the owner's installation and full operation of scrubber technology, consistent with good operational practice, and the owner's exhaustion of any available early emissions reduction or over-compliance credits, then the owner shall be deemed in violation of this section unless it submits a plan to the department, within 30 days of such noncompliance, and subsequently obtains approval of that plan for achieving compliance within one year from the date of such noncompliance. The department may impose conditions for approval of such plan.
   IX. The owner shall report by June 30, 2007 and annually thereafter, to the legislative oversight committee on electric utility restructuring, established under RSA 374-F:5, and the chairpersons of the house science, technology and energy committee and the senate energy and economic development committee, on the progress and status of complying with the requirements of paragraphs I and III, relative to achieving early reductions in mercury emissions and also installing and operating the scrubber technology including any updated cost information. The last report required shall be after the department has made a determination, under paragraph V, on the maximum sustainable rate of mercury emissions reductions by the scrubber technology.
Source. 2006, 105:1, eff. June 8, 2006.