I. There is hereby established an emergency shelter and homeless coordination commission to advise the commissioner on the program established under this subdivision and the needs of individuals and families who are or are at risk of being homeless.
   II. The commission shall consist of 14 members and shall be composed as follows: 2 representatives, or their designees, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives; 2 senators, or their designees, appointed by the president of the senate; the commissioner of health and human services, or designee; one member from business and industry appointed by the governor and council; the director of the New Hampshire Coalition for the Homeless, or designee; a representative of the independent living program of the bureau of vocational rehabilitation, designated by the board of education; the director of the New Hampshire housing finance authority, or designee; one member of the New Hampshire Property Owners Association; and 4 public members appointed by the governor and council, at least one of whom who has experienced homelessness.
   III. Members of the commission shall serve for 2-year terms. Each member shall serve until a successor is appointed and qualified. A vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term. The members of the commission shall elect a chairperson from among their number. Members of the commission shall serve without compensation; however, the legislative members shall receive legislative mileage when performing duties of the commission.
   IV. The commission shall:
      (a) Advise the commissioner on any matter related to the emergency shelter program and preventive and supportive services provided under this subdivision.
      (b) Participate in public hearings conducted pursuant to the state consolidated plan.
      (c) Make recommendations related to adequate, coordinated, and unduplicated services throughout the state which promote reliable and rapid transition of homeless individuals and families and individuals to permanent and acceptable housing.
      (d) Meet quarterly to identify unmet needs of individuals and families who are or are at risk of being homeless.
      (e) Make a report on or before December 1 of each year to the speaker of the house of representatives, the president of the senate, and the governor and council on its activities.
   V. The council may accept funds from public and private sources. The commissioner of the department of health and human services shall disburse and administer any funds received by the council for the purposes of this subdivision.
Source. 1995, 310:1. 1998, 138:1, eff. Aug. 7, 1998.